Welcome to our blog! Here you’ll find blog posts mainly written by the Cornerstones team and our authors. You’ll also find our most recent series’: Behind the Book, where we interview authors about their journey to publication, and Self-Publishing Spotlight, where we put some of our self-published authors in the hot seat. Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see here!

Self-Publishing Spotlight: A MIDLIFE HOLIDAY by Cary J. Hansson
The final part of our Self-Publishing Spotlight launch, meet Cary J Hansson, the author of A MIDLIFE HOLIDAY

Self-Publishing Spotlight: BIRD HITS GLASS by Beate Triantafilidis
Beate Triantafilidis, author of BIRD HITS GLASS, is next under our self-publishing spotlight

Self-Publishing Spotlight: meet Grace Olson, author of THE YARD
We’re kicking off our brand new Self-Publishing Spotlight with a Q&A with author Grace Olson

Behind the Book with Alex Stone
How a Cornerstones report changed the submission game for psychological thriller author Alex Stone

How a Change of Scene Inspired My Book
Read about how Cornerstones alum Tom Benjamin was inspired to write his mystery trilogy

My Experience as an Intern at Cornerstones
Behind the scenes of our July 2021 ELEVATE programme

My Experience as an Intern at Cornerstones
Behind the scenes of our February 2021 ELEVATE programme

Magical Mentoring
Cornerstones alum Rob Tye tells us about his magical mentoring experience

What is the Real Value of an Editing Partnership?
Cornerstones alumna and debut novelist Kate Bradley talks about her experience working with Cornerstones

The Importance of Editing Your Novel the Professional Way
Why do writers need to learn to self-edit?

Q&A With Edit Your Novel Course Tutor Kathryn Price
Learn more about our Edit Your Novel course with Kathryn Price
Here you’ll find a curated selection of blog posts, mostly written by the Cornerstones team or our authors. You’ll also find our latest series', Behind the Book, where we interview Cornerstones alumni on their journey to publication, and Self-Publishing Spotlight, where we put our self-published authors in the hot seat. Let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to see here!