Sarah Rouse Sarah Rouse

Julia K

I feel very grateful that I was chosen for the ELEVATE programme. My editor has been so helpful in enabling me to take my WIP to the next stage. It has been an incredible opportunity to work with an industry specialist. I am also grateful that she has permitted me to continue to be in contact with her if I need advice. Thank you for an opportunity that I could never have accessed nor afforded without this programme.

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Sarah Rouse Sarah Rouse


Hello! I found the experience incredibly valuable and helpful! My editor helped me understand the broader issues with my plot and showed me some ways to improve in my plot. I couldn't really get that feedback with someone so experienced, so it was super useful and necessary. I can actually sense my novel drastically improving already and I have made a lot of progress on edits. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

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Sarah Rouse Sarah Rouse


Thank you so much for choosing me to be part of Cornerstones' Elevate mentoring scheme. Having my editor focus her professional eye on key chapters of my MS, the synopsis and pitch letter was incredibly helpful. She pointed out what was working well, which gave me a massive boost, and highlighted where there were gaps that needed filling - things I lacked the objectivity to see for myself.

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Sarah Rouse Sarah Rouse


Just a quick message to say - WOW!!! Thank you so much. The mentorship has been transformative not only for my submission package but also for me as an aspiring writer. I have learnt an incredible amount from my editor and can't express enough how lucky I feel for having the opportunity to work with her - it would never have happened without Cornerstones wonderful scheme. I feel incredibly lucky. Thank you again.

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